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Pork and Eggs

A perfect dish for the new year celebration!

Pork and Eggs

A perfect dish for the new year celebration!
15 mins to cook


1. Clean the pork spare ribs in water with lemon; this step is crucial but not aesthetic, so I didn’t film it.
2. Pan-fry the pork in some peanut oil for about 10 minutes
3. You can add aromatics now like onion and garlic, but I’m omitting them because the kids who will be eating with me don’t eat these ingredients yet. Add in hard boiled eggs or a can of quail eggs if eggs are too expensive these days.
4. Add in about half a can of cocorico and this depends on how much meat you’re cooking
5. Seasoning: fish sauce, soy sauce, garlic salt, chicken powder
6. Close the lid and simmer for an hour. The longer you simmer, the more tender the meat will become.
7. Check your dish every 20 minutes to make sure the liquid is still plenty. Seasoning too and taste too. You can also add chili and black pepper.
8. Serve with hot white rice 🍚

Product: Ciarra portable induction hob

Cooking Video:


RECIPE FROM @tienthuy_89👨🏻‍🍳❤️

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