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Ginger Chicken

This ginger chicken dish will be perfect for a Tết feast!

Ginger Chicken

This ginger chicken dish will be perfect for a Tết feast!
15 mins to cook

1. Brown some chicken drumsticks in oil and cook for around 10 minutes
2. Season with garlic salt, chicken powder, fish sauce; use equal amounts of each depending on how much chicken you’re making. Add in a lot of ginger!
3. Add in a can of cocorico which is a coconut soda and cover the lid. Let it cook for 25-35 minutes. Cocorico will tenderize the chicken and add sweetness.
4. Adjust the seasoning now, and add some dark soy sauce for color. Let it simmer for around 10 minutes
5. I added a bunch of green onions because I had some laying around
6. Serve this dish with hot rice 🍚

Product: Ciarra portable induction hob

Cooking Video:


RECIPE FROM @tienthuy_89👨🏻‍🍳❤️


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