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Ariselu is a traditional sweet we specially made on this Sankranthi. It is made up of wet rice flour but I have made this in an instant way


Ariselu is a traditional sweet we specially made on this Sankranthi. It is made up of wet rice flour but I have made this in an instant way
20 mins to cook

Quick recipe:

1cup of rice flour
Jaggery 3/4th cup
Sesame seeds 4tsp(as needed)
Cardamom powder and oil for decrying
Milk 1/4th cup

Process: add rice flour and milk and make it a crumble texture and sieve it well
🔥Now heat a pan add 1 cup of water and add jaggery and cardamom powder and let it rolling boiling now add wet flour and mix it well.
🔥Add 1 tap of ghee and let it cool down. Now once the mixture is cooled take a small number of balls and roll them on the parchment paper and defray in the medium hot oil /you can dip them in the sesame mixture and defray in the hot oil. Once it’s cool down its crisp and soft


RECIPE FROM @sravani.chinni.18062👨🏻‍🍳❤️

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